英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 20:58:02

on that score

英 [ɔn ðæt skɔ:]

美 [ɑn ðæt skɔr]

在那一点上; 就那一点来说
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1. on that score是什么意思

1. 在那点上:on tap 随时使用 | on that score 在那点上 | on the air 在广播

2. 因此; 在那一点上:on more scores than one 为了种种理由 | on that score 因此; 在那一点上 | on the same score 用同样的理由

3. 在那一点上;就那一点来说:on top 处于优势,领先 | on that score 在那一点上;就那一点来说 | on the alert 警戒着;密切注意着;

4. on that score什么意思

4. 在那点上; 在那一点上; 因那个理由:131. on that premise 在那个前提上 | 132. on that score 在那点上; 在那一点上; 因那个理由 | 133. on that understanding 在此条件下

It was about getting a score on an AP test that would help her get into the college of her choice.(这门课程只是在测验中获得分数,帮助她进入自己选择的大学。)
But people who score high on measures of a personality trait called "public self-consciousness" feel that way all the time.(但人们对于自己的个性评价的分数都偏高,这就是“公共自我意识”在起作用。)
On that score he was blameless.(在那一点上,他是无可责备的。)
Turkey's recent belligerent reaction to off-shore drilling plans by Cyprus clearly raises doubts on that score.(土耳其最近对塞浦路斯离岸钻探计划的好战反应显然在那一点上提出了质疑。)
You don't have to worry on that score.(那件事你不必担心。)
Moreover, the Palestinians fear that, if they gave in to Mr Netanyahu on this score, that might undermine the rights of Israel's Arab citizens, who make up a fifth of Israel's population.(此外,巴勒斯坦人担心,一旦他们在这一点上向内塔尼亚胡让步,可能会有损占以色列国内阿拉伯公民的权利,而他们占了以色列人口的五分之一。)
Of course, consumers also want their orders prepared correctly and on that score, Oches says, "accuracy is still really high."(当然,顾客也希望他们的订单准备正确,在这一点上,奥什说:“准确度仍然很高。”)
This is what we must demand of our lives, of our objects, of our things, of our circumstances: living with intent. And I have to say that on that score, I have a very unfair advantage over all of you.(这就是我们要从生活中探寻的,从身边的物品,从身边的事情,从周围的环境:有意图的生活。)
We also found that workers who participate in sports score highly on engagement and job satisfaction, have lower levels of stress, and there seems to be a positive effect on retention too.(我们还发现,参加体育运动的员工在参与度和工作满意度方面得分较高,压力较小,而且,运动似乎有益于防止员工流失。)
But a computer program that depends just on score won't consider those details.(但是仅仅依靠分数判断的电脑操作并不会考虑这么多细节。)
on that score是什么意思 on that score在线翻译 on that score什么意思 on that score的意思 on that score的翻译 on that score的解释 on that score的发音 on that score的同义词